Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halfway through radiation!

Friday marked our halfway point with radiation. Connor will finish up on the 30th, and then we will have a much needed 4 week break before starting the maintenance phase of his Chemo.

Fortunately for us his 4 week break coinsides with Christmas yay !!!!

On Friday, Connor was able to get the H1N1 vaccine (thank you so much Nikki!!). He had a nice tutoring session with Miss Horn, and we enjoyed a nice time at the movies. Only in a small town can go to the movies and have there be only one other family besides yours in the theater.

Saturday I was able to visit with a friend, and we were able to do our weekly grocery shopping (along with everyone else lol). Connor's back has been hurting him a lot, but so far we are able to keep the pains at ease with Tylenol. We'll be meeting with an Oncologist tomorrow to discuss his pains.

Connor has lost about 99% of his hair. It's amazing how little it bothers him. Throughout this journey I've found it's actually me that needs the body armour to handle to the new stares and comments from strangers. Connor just waves and smiles.

Tonight was Catan night. It was long overdo. Pink next time Scott, PINK!!! Nikki was so sweet she dyed her hair for Connor. (Purple and red actually look really nice on her!).

Connor's new fundraiser website is complete. If you are interested in helping him raise money to purchase a DVD player for another child going through 30 days of radiation treatment, please check it out at:

The best part of the weekend: Cuddling up with Connor, listening to to the rain and reading fairy tales.

Something I'm interested in doing: Speaking to Dr. Kee (Connor's radiologist) to see if there is any new information from the Conference he went to.

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