Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"That was a great day mom!!!"

Connor slept great last night. We took a quick trip to Fred Meyer to pick up Connor's prescriptions and then we were off to School.

We brought Connor's walker I wasn't really sure exactly what he would need for support. When we got there the class was working on workbooks and reading. Connor opened his workbook and started working on a worksheet, then he joined his group for reading.

After reading he went to recess. He did a great job navigating the playground without his walker. He was so excited to see his friends, he showed me around the playground. Lots of kids came up to him, and told him they were excited to see him back. It was nice watching him have "normal" 6 year old interactions with his peers (Chatting about Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and family vacations, my dad this my mom that). I know he has been missing other kids.

After recess he went to the library. The Librarian read a darling book called "Snowmen at Christmas" (lovely illustrations). Connor picked out a Military Plane book, and the Librarian was very kind to lend him some extra books to read at home, she always picks great books, he loves Library time.

Connor decided he wanted to stay through lunch and second recess. By second recess he left me in the dust and was off with his friends. He played 4 square and caught up on a lot of much needed socializing.

It was very aparent how well Connor's teacher has educated her class on Connor's disease. They all treated him like "normal". They made him feel very welcomed, but not overwhelmed. At lunch and recess he got several looks from other kids that weren't in his class, but he took it all in stride. I asked him if he was concerned about that, and he told me "No mom it's ok, they probably just don't know that I'm alright".

I could tell he did his best today, and that he was going to be just fine.

At recess a little girl came up to me and said "I'm very happy that Connor is back, it's so great that he can walk around now and doesn't need a wheelchair".
I agreed with her and told her how hard Connor was working to get his strength back.
"It's sad he lost his hair", she said "I hope it comes back"
"Oh it should," I told her, "but honestly he's happy he doesn't have to brush it"
She laughed and then said, "but the best thing is.... that he's O.K"
And then I had to hide my face to wipe the tears away, because she got it.
A 6 year old nailed it on the head .. the BEST thing is that he's O.K

On the way out of the doors Connor said, "That was a GREAT day mom", and it was.

At home we cuddled up on the couch with a big blanket, a bowl of popcorn and a movie, he was exhausted, but sooo happy.

The best part of my day: School, it was a huge boost to Connor's Self Confidence. It relieved a lot of anxiety that he had about things he wasn't sure if he would be able to do or not.

Something I was thankful for: Miss Horn and all the other Teacher's and Staff at Connor's School, and the kids who just "get it".


  1. I'm wiping away tears! It was so nice having Connor join in on the everyday stuff. I'm so glad that it was a great day for him. The class is really looking forward to seeing him again.

  2. To Mrs Horn, Connors 1st grade teacher I thank you for being a everlasting string of support to Connor and his parents these two Parents will never miss a Parent conference Thank you Mrs Horn/from Connors Teacher grandma Teacher Debbie Fb Ca

  3. So glad it was a great day!!! I almost wish I could go back to school, be in Mrs Horn's class and be Conner's School-mate...I would have loved to have shared that day!

    But reading about it was almost as good! Missy, thank you for "sharing" that special moment with all of us.

    We are so happy ALL had a great school day. Way to go Conner!!!

    Great Grandma Fites is knitting you a surprise...oops, did I spill the beans?
