Unfortunately Connor's counts were too low this week to start treatment. He was at 640, so the doctor is giving him another week to re-cover. In the event they are still too low on Monday, he will most likely receive a lower dose of Chemotherapy.

We enjoyed our "spring break" last weekend. We took a short trip to Long Beach, WA. We enjoyed the beach, and all the fun things Long Beach has to offer.
Unfortunately the Jeep was broken into, but luckily nothing was taken, or broken. I can't believe they didn't
jump at the opportunity to take of with that Weird Al CD, or the bag of beach towels. We did feel a little violated with the thought of some stranger crawling around our Jeep though ewww.
We met a little girl, while we were on Vacation, who has a Neuroblastoma, she is also a patient at Legacy Emanuel, but her 2 hr and 22 minute drive, makes our 45 minute drive to the hospital a piece of cake.
Connor has 2 new cravings this week: Fish and Tatar sauce, and Egg Sandwiches (I like the chocolate cake craving much better).

The most exciting part of our day so far: Working on our April fools day joke for dad, a "Cup of Spilled Strawberry Milk" Made from glue, and red liquid
water coloring. Color glue, and set to dry on a wax paper covered cookie sheet. When dry peel off wax paper. You can make it resemble your beverage of choice. Since Strawberry milk has been Connor's beverage of choice lately we thought this would be most "believable".
We are having a hard time:
1. Waiting the next 10 minutes for Greg to come home.
2. Controlling our giggles
3. Keeping sparky from trying to lick it.
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