Good-bye Summer, Hello Fall. What a busy season this is starting to be. Connor has started his school year at the South Columbia Family School. He is getting a hang of his new schedule. So much to learn this year! He is still a big fan of reading, but his favorite activities seem to be the Science Projects we do. This week he made a "Tornado" in a bottle, he just loves that thing.
This last round of Chemo was pretty hard on his system. He had 4 infusions in 2 weeks. Although we've had to spend a lot of time at the hospital this round, I can't say enough great things about the staff at Doernbecher. We are very pleased with our decision to change hospital's. All of the staff are so thorough, and they on top of EVERYTHING.
The doctor's have told us towards the end of treatment, It takes the body longer to recover. That's been evident this last round. Trying to keep his electrolytes balanced has been an interesting juggling act.
Connor's spirits are still good, but he is definitely counting down the last few rounds of Chemotherapy. A few things are starting to bother him, like the fact he doesn't has eyelashes and stuff get's in his eyes.
The last time we were in for an infusion there was a little girl celebrating her LAST treatment. What a party! .. and what a great sense of hope to behold. These kids are so strong and amazing, I am always inspired by them.
Connor's counts finally stabilized last weekend and we were able to get away for a couple of days. We took the trailer to Beverly Beach state park in Newport, for a couple of days. Connor rode his bike through the park, and he enjoyed the wildlife in the park (I could have gone without the raccoons, but I survived!). Connor's only request: SMORES.
Connor's counts finally stabilized last weekend and we were able to get away for a couple of days. We took the trailer to Beverly Beach state park in Newport, for a couple of days. Connor rode his bike through the park, and he enjoyed the wildlife in the park (I could have gone without the raccoons, but I survived!). Connor's only request: SMORES.
We also enjoyed visiting the aquarium while we were in Newport. The Jellyfish are always amazing. We also enjoyed the Sea Otter's, and learning about the birds they have on exhibit.
Only two more hospital stays to go. One next Wednesday (10/13), and the last one in November (11/24). The last dose of Chemotherapy he receives should be on 12/1.
As you can imagine I'm counting down each day with great anticipation (I know many of you are too).
The last doctor we met with told us "He is doing REALLY REALLY well. For the stage that he is at in treatment he is doing GREAT!". Those words wrapped around me like a warm blanket, and although I was able to hold back the tears of Joy, I wanted to jump up and scream... THAT'S RIGHT HE'S DOING GREAT! HE'S AWESOME! HE'S STRONG, HE'S TOUGH, HE'S A FIGHTER....
The kindness that we've received from people STILL continues to amaze me, I wonder if I've been missing it for too long, or I took it for granted.
There was a young boy who spent the afternoon playing games with Connor (His sister was at the hospital being treated for a brain tumor). He treated Connor with such kindness, and respect. I just sat there watching them interact, because on that day .. there was nothing more important than Connor "just being a 7 year old".
Children always provide me with hope for the future. They can look beyond differences. They are naturally curious, and never ill intentioned.
Another little boy at the aquarium came up to Connor's wheel chair, and just stared at him (It actually happens a lot). I asked Connor if that bothered him, and he told me "No, they probably have never seen a kid without hair".
There are plenty of adults that inspire me everyday too, many of them are reading this post right now.
We were eating at a Restaurant in Newport, and Connor walked by a man who was eating lunch with his family. The Man said to Connor "Hey !! Can I give you a High-Five??", So Connor gave him a High-five, and the man said "Good Job, Keep up the great work!".
Now I will admit, Connor had no clue why this man wanted to give him a high-five! ..and since I didn't know this man I don't know "exactly" what possessed him to give my kid a high five that day , but what I DO know is that it made my SON feel GREAT!... and I know it probably made the man feel GREAT! ... and wherever that great big surge of kindness came from, deep inside his soul, .. I wish there was more to spread around. I wish we could just bottle it up and sprinkle it ALL around like fairy dust.....
The end is in sight! That is so exciting! I think of your family often. Connor sets such a great example for us all. He has such a great attitude!