Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hoping everyone is enjoying their Holiday Season

Unfortunately Connor didn't meet counts this week, so we are pushed out until next Wednesday (Our fingers are crossed we'll have our admit next Wednesday, thanks to everyone who has been sending their positive vibes our way).
On the positive note, that gives us 2 days of "free time" that we didn't plan on, to enjoy the holiday season.

We've been filling our days this week with wrapping, board games, and movies. Connor has been loyally opening his advent calendar. He has a lot of specific questions about Santa this year , "What happens if one of the reindeer are injured in flight?", "What happens if someone peeks and "sees" Santa?", "What if Santa's Helpers in the Mall "forget" to tell the "real" Santa what the kids want?"

Here's wishing everyone a very happy holiday season. Enjoy those you love, and live life to the fullest.

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