Here is a current photo of Connor (It may be time for a Haircut soon!!).
His body is starting to spring back from the Chemotherapy. He's a lot more confident lately (moves around the house a lot more without assistance, lets the dog out, and sets the table for dinner).
His transformation is amazing to be a part of. Every day I see him try new things. Things that might be meaningless to someone else, like bending over to pick up something that has fallen on the floor, but to me seem miraculous. All the "small" sucesses give us reason to celebrate.
With Connor's counts finally up he's been able to go to "Thursday Community Day" at School. Connor has been attending a charter school this year SCFS. In this public school option the parents serve as "learning" coaches and teach the children at home (with curriculum we receive from the school). On Monday Connor meets with his homeroom Teacher for tutoring, and on Thursday all the kids go to the school for "Community Day". Community day is what most people visualize as "normal school", kids in the classroom being taught by a teacher. There are some differences with SCFS, one being Connors' class is blended with children in 1st-3rd grade.
The kids in Connor's class were so welcomming. He had a blast playing basketball, and participating in class, he has made a lot of new friends (which he always seems to do so freely). I can see in "classroom" setting some of the challenges he faces, time will tell if they will be temporary or permanant. One thing that continues to be highlighted is his resiliency.
This week is Spring break for him, so he was asked to write about what he'd be doing during his time off, or what he woud "want" to do if he could go anywhere/do anything he wanted. Connor's response ... "I'd like to travel to Hawaii (Hey me too !!!!!!) and play on the beach (oh that's sounds nice...) and swim with the SHARKS" (... oh .. hmm .. nope I'll pass on that one).
Our Spring break has been better than a trip to Hawaii, because Auntie Mallory came to visit. Her contagious laugh and sweet disposition is better than any beach in paradise. Boy how I've missed being around family (can't wait to soak up some more of them in May).
We took Mallory to see downtown Portland and went to the Art Museum (it was fabulous). It was perfect timing as Connor was upset with his last "art project" he made at school. He felt "It was the worst one in his class". After talking with him, It made me wonder what great works of Art would have been crumpled up and thrown away if Monet or Picasso had compared their work to their "classmates". After visiting the Portland Art Museum, I think he had a new appreciation of "What Art is" because after we came home he sat at the table to try out his new watercolor pencils and page after page, he was inspired to create..
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