Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Workout Wednesday

The therapists kept Connor very busy today. He played board games, threw bean bags, practiced kneeling,and crawling and walking with a walker.

Seeing that one of his goals is to walk with a walker (at minimum) before he can leave, and he's doing it the first day, I'd say that's great progress.

Today was BINGO night and Connor won twice!!! yay!!! He won a lego airplane, and these giant HULK fist gloves that make HULK sounds. He is soooo in love with those.

Tomorrow he has a full schedule, Gym, PT and OT, Speech, School, Art Therapy, Neuropsych and Group Therapy.

He also is wearing a patch to help strengthen his left eye, which the therapist customized by putting a dinosaur sticker on it. He gets so much positive attention from his "cool" patch he just loves it.

He's starting a reward system tomorrow which he excited about too.

He found a new game that he loves "Guess Who", he is sooo addicted to it.

What put a smile on my face today: Connor being so proud of his accomplishments

1 comment:

  1. The best part of my day is seeing a picture of Connor in those gloves. Those are awesome!
